Our School
Welcome Message
A very warm welcome to Keelonith Primary School, a Victorian government state school within the growth corridor of Greenvale. 2021 is our inaugural year as we opened our doors on 28th January. Our school will be at the very centre of this vibrant community and it is our great privilege to be the founding staff of this Supported Inclusion School. Keelonith Primary School is built following the universal design principles ensuring that there are no barriers to the learning accessibility for our children and their families. As a Supported Inclusion School up to 10% of our enrolled students may have an Intellectual Disability. Students who meet this criterion may come from outside of our enrolment zone. We are focussed on providing an environment which enables every learner to have every opportunity to lead a successful and fulfilling life. Learning has no limits at KPS and our expectations are high for all.
At Keelonith Primary School all members of the school community are valued and celebrated. Everyone has the right to learn, excel and find joy in a safe, accessible and stimulating learning environment in which passion is sparked through authentic experiences, nature, play, and inquiry. We encourage play and interactions with the natural world, as well as valuing the importance of 21st Century technologies as tools for complementing our learning programs.
Our school values indicate that we CHEER for everyone to be the best they can be. Our values will be explicitly taught and will underpin all of our interactions in our school.
Compassion, Honesty, Equity, Encouragement and Respect
In developing the whole child we also equally focus on the academic development of every child. At Keelonith PS we are using the The Deep Learning Dispositions, the 6 Cs (Fullan, Quinn, McEachen 2018) to provide the learning framework for the school. We believe in developing the following dispositions in all learners.
Character, Citizenship, Collaboration, Communication, Creativity and Critical Thinking.
Play, exploration, innovation and taking-action will be the spring boards into our learning. Authentic opportunities’ and diverse encounters will be designed to spark and uncover students’ interests and passions. Building data and digital literacy skills will support our students to travel beyond the boundaries of the school walls to grow and learn. As we grow and develop our community we will also build leadership capacity within our students as well as in our adult population. The school will be a learning place for all who enter our doors.
Supported Inclusion School
Keelonith Primary is part of the Supported Inclusion Schools initiative. This means that the school will provide inclusive education for a significant cohort of students with disabilities within a mainstream school setting.
Keelonith Primary supports the principle that every student is able to attend their designated neighborhood government school. As a Supported Inclusion School, we will provide a safe, accessible and inclusive environment for every student who enrolls.
KPS has been designed and purpose built to be inclusive. This means that the buildings are designed following Universal Design Principles, so that there are no physical barriers to a student with a physical or intellectual ability to attend the College. As such we can cater for a slightly higher percentage of students with a disability than other schools.
This means that all students with a disability who live within our designated neighbourhood zone can be catered for and have the choice of attending our school rather than a special setting.
Keelonith PS supports all students through;
- Providing reasonable adjustments for all students
- Student Support Groups
- Individual Education Plans
- Working with families of all children
- Inclusive Educational Environment
For full details, please refer to our enrolment policy
We are confident that your child will thrive and fly high during their years as a learner at Keelonith Primary School. We look forward to meeting and welcoming you to our school. Please use this link or call 7379 5100 to arrange a school tour. Enrolment forms can be collected from the school office.
From the learning team at Keelonith Primary School
At KPS we have a committed team of professionals who come together and work very hard to create a welcoming, safe and inspiring learning environment. A great school is a school filled with passionate educators who are focused on getting to know the learners in their care and involving them in the development of their personal learning journey. We are proud to introduce the following staff members:
Mentor Teachers
Jessica Weir
Prep A
Seda Duman
Prep B
Georgina Kaloutsakis
Prep C
Amanda Trandis
Year 1 A
Lillian Fry-McBean
Year 1 B
Gizem Yurt
Year 1 C
Natalie Taylor
Year 2 A
Olivia Lowrey
Year 2 B
Sam Birrell
Year 2 B
Robert Cann
Year 2 C
Michelle Galea
Year 3/4 A
Cassandra Neofotistos
Year 3/4 B
Lauren Walker
Year 3/4 C
Penny Vissariou
Year 3/4 D
Nicki Bilby
Year 5/6 A
Jayden Spudvilas-Powell
Year 5/6 B
Brooke Slopak
Emily Nolde
Brooke Wolsley
Visual Arts
Paul Munro
Paula Gaughan
Jenny Farrelly
Performing Arts
Education Support Staff
OHS / HSR / Education Support
Library Co-ordinator
Education Support
Education Support
Education Support
Education Support
Education Support
Education Support
Education Support
Education Support
Educatation Support
Education Support
Education Support
Education Support
Education Support
Education Support
Education Support
Education Support
Education Support
Education Support
Education Support
Education Support
Education Support
Education Support
Speech Pathologist / Allied Health Tem Leader
Speech Pathalogist
Speech Pathologist
Speech Pathologist
Speech Pathologist
Occupational Therapist
Wellbeing / Social Work
DI / Admin
Auslan / Leadership Admin Assistant
Loren Peavey
Sam Birrell
Assistant Principal - Curriculum
Jane Black
Assistant Principal - Student Wellbeing & Engagement
Rebecca Bogalho
Business Manager
Vision, Mission & Values
For every learner to have every opportunity to lead a successful and fulfilling life.
KPS is a learning community where everyone is valued and celebrated. All members of our community have the right to learn, excel and find joy in a safe, accessible and stimulating learning environment in which passion and curiosity are sparked through authentic experiences, nature, play, and inquiry.
School Values which we aim to develop in each learner.
The school values indicate that we CHEER for everyone to be the best they can be
Compassion– care, kindness, empathy
Honesty– be true to self and others, trust
Equity– each learner has what they need to learn, excel and find joy
Encouragement– work together to support and cheer on our peers
Respect– self, others, the environment and learning
The Deep Learning dispositions
The Deep Learning dispositions- Fullan, Quinn, McEachen 2018 provide the learning framework for the school. We believe in developing the following dispositions in all of our learners.
Character– Character refers to qualities of the individual essential for being personally effective in a complex world including: grit, tenacity, perseverance, resilience, reliability, and honesty.
Citizenship– Thinking like global citizens, considering global issues based on a deep understanding of diverse values with genuine interest in engaging with others to solve complex problems that impact human and environmental sustainability.
Collaboration– Collaboration refers to the capacity to work interdependently and synergistically in teams with strong interpersonal and team‐related skills including effective management of team dynamics, making substantive decisions together, and learning from and contributing to the learning of others.
Communication– Communication entails mastery of three fluencies: digital, writing, and speaking tailored for a range of audiences.
Creativity– Having an ‘entrepreneurial eye’ for economic and social opportunities, asking the right questions to generate novel ideas, and demonstrating leadership to pursue those ideas into practice
Critical Thinking– Critically evaluating information and arguments, seeing patterns and connections, construction meaningful knowledge and applying it in the real world.
The school along with the students and families is focussed on developing the above values and learning dispositions which we believe will guide each individual’s journey to becoming lifelong learners. Learners who take responsibility for their learning, make sense of and find their place, purpose and joy in an ever-evolving world
Virtual Tour & Facilities
Our school has impeccable facilities. Our learning spaces provide flexible options for our students and teachers to learn and work in everyday. We have flexible furniture and seating options allowing for many configurations and spaces to be created and providing our students with the choice of working at a stand-up desk, sitting at a table with a chair or using a wobble stool or cushion to provide some movement while working, or using one of our flexi desks to sit on the floor or one of the bench seats.
Physical Education classes can happen rain, hail or shine in our competition grade gym. Performing Arts has a stunning space with a full length mirror for the students to see themselves performing and bifold doors which open to the outdoor performance space.
Visual Arts and STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics) both have versatile spaces within the Learning Communities while our Library is located in the Admin building.
Our outdoor spaces are vast and provide a range of activities for the students to engage in at break times including two full size outdoor basketball courts, a grassed sports ground, two play grounds protected by shade sails, a sandpit, shaded picnic areas and of course the popular PlayPod.
Plans, Reports & Policies
Aboriginal Learning Wellbeing And Safety Action Plan
A Guide To Managing Incidents In Your School
Administration Of Medication Policy
Child Safety Responding And Reporting Obligations Policy And Procedures
Local Excursion Annual Consent Form
Statement Of Values And School Philosophy
Student Wellbeing And Engagement Policy
Victorian School Building Authority
Keelonith Primary School Council is now procuring expressions of interests (EOI) for Outside School Hours Care (OSHC) service and a Canteen Service.
Interested parties are encouraged to download these documents.
To be compliant with these EOI, please register your contact details by emailing Rebecca Bogalho at rebecca.bogalho@education.vic.gov.au once you download the documents.