

Positive Behaviour Support

The PBS approach at Keelonith Primary School is a whole school approach designed to promote and maintain a safe and orderly learning environment for all students, staff and the community. It focusses on everyone and all settings within the school and promotes a positive focus on academic and behavioural outcomes. It clearly defines our core expected behaviours, which are outlined in our values acronym CHEER.

The school values indicate that we CHEER for everyone to be the best they can be

Compassion– care, kindness, empathy

Honesty– be true to self and others, trust

Equity– each learner has what they need to learn, excel and find joy

Encouragement– work together to support and cheer on our peers

Respect– self, others, the environment and learning

Over 2021 the PBS approach will be developed with input from students, staff and the community.

In the learning spaces we;


– share equipment

– help others

– care for others and our equipment


– tell the truth at all times

– only use what we need

– take responsibility for our actions


– we understand the different ways people learn and the different things that help us learn


– support everyone

– congratulate others

– provide productive feedback to others


– listen to others when they are speaking – keep our learning spaces tidy

– keep our hands and feet to ourselves

– carrying your equipment carefully

– respect others learning in the neighbourhood

In the outside spaces we;


– care for others

– share the sandpit toys and playpod items

– take turns


– pack up and return the equipment we use

– tell a teacher if we have problem or if we see a problem

– communicate when we need help or to say how we feel


– enjoy different ways of playing

– one set of rules don’t apply- different rules/consequences for different situation and students


– encourage others to try new things – encourage others to make good choices

– try to work together to solve our problem first


– look after all equipment

– keep our school yard tidy

– look after our gardens and plants

– walk on pathways

– stay outside in our designated spaces

In the toilets we;


– let a person who is in a hurry use the toilet first

– give others privacy

– help someone if they are scared


– use the toilet that best suits us

– tell a teacher when we need to go


– only take the time we need in the toilet

– only use the toilets when we need to

– only use what we need


– remind each other about washing our hands

– remind each other to keep the toilets tidy

– go to the toilet during our recess and lunch


– keep the toilets clean

– turn taps off

– put paper towel in the bin and toilet paper in the toilet

– if we see a mess we tell an adult

– use a quiet voice

Child Safe

Keelonith Primary school is a Child Safe school

Keelonith Primary school is a child safe school. Please view this short video from the Minister for Education, James Merlino for further information. Our child safe officer is Samantha Birrell (Assistant Principal). 


Wellbeing – Allied Health

At KPS we are focused on the development of the whole child and encourage families who have the support of any Allied Health professionals to communicate this to the school. We seek to develop relationships and clear communication channels with Allied Health professionals to ensure that we are aware of any strategies or supports which are being put in place for a child to support their development. Wherever possible, we will reinforce those strategies within the schooling context to provide consistency and reinforcement. We are open to Allied Health professionals contacting the school to arrange a time for observations of a student to occur within the learning spaces to provide our teachers with feedback and direct communication. We do not encourage Allied Health professionals to run one on one therapy sessions with students at the school as this disrupts the students learning program.